Unleash the true value of your data with our center of excellence, Proove Intelligence.
According to Reign of Fire, Britain will become a post-apocalyptic (maybe even post-Brexit?) wasteland in 2020, and we will be facing a desperate showdown with fire-breathing dragons as they threaten to wipe out humanity once and for all. Pacific Rim, on the other hand, predicted that 2020 will bring significant leaps in giant-robot warfare and a colossal battle between the human race and giant, inter-dimensional sea-monsters.
But if you take our word for it, well, next year the battles will be a little different. In place of giant monsters, businesses will face conflicts in the arenas of data, privacy, and consumer rights. Okay, so there won’t be a lot of fire and brimstone—and neither Christian Bale nor Charlie Hunnam will feature very heavily—but a very real battle looms nonetheless.
So what, exactly, are we expecting next year? Our 2020 prediction series will soon reveal all in great detail, but in the meantime let’s take a moment to acknowledge a new, sinister threat facing us survivors in a post-GDPR world.
You may already know that 2019 marks the end of the PPI claims deadline (hurrah!), but what will this actually mean? Well, first of all there will be thousands of call centre staff, fully equipped with auto-diallers and call targets, suddenly without a product. We’ll have thousands of lawyers of the “ambulance chaser” variety suddenly at a loss as to how to fill their days.
At the same time, we’re learning how to abide by complicated (and often convoluted) rules and regulations around data/GDPR/CASTL; what information can be used for what purpose; who can contact whom; where, how, and why (!) data is being stored; and we have companies like BA and Marriott being fined millions by the regulatory body for data-related breaches.
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Add it all together and what do you get? The perfect crucible for a whole new breed of nuisance callers cashing in on the confusion.
“Hi, I hear you have had your personal data used in a way you didn’t authorise. Did you know you could be entitled to thousands in compensation?”
Faced with the prospect of receiving dozens of these calls from a variety of auto-dialled numbers day after day—ironically from non-EU call centres, who seem to be outside of the reach of GDPR regulations—we might just prefer to take our chances with the sea monsters!
As for the future of digital marketing, we’re always here to help you navigate the fast-evolving worlds of data, consumer behaviour, and marketing technology. In fact, we have dozens of events planned for the remainder of 2019 and all across 2020 (assuming we survive the pending apocalypse, of course.)
They cover everything from data and analytics—such as the free digital clinic at our upcoming event with Essential Edinburgh—to sector-specific Masterclasses presented by our in-house experts in digital marketing, like our Digital Retail and FMCG Masterclass.
With the future so rapidly approaching, what are you waiting for? Contact DAC today to find out how you can get invited, get involved, and stay informed.
Dragon fire and/or giant sea monsters may affect ticket availability.
Unleash the true value of your data with our center of excellence, Proove Intelligence.
Unleash the true value of your data with our center of excellence, Proove Intelligence.
Unleash the true value of your data with our center of excellence, Proove Intelligence.
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